Thursday, November 02, 2006

Dodi Rosadi Artefux

Another old work of mine. Silk screened piece for one of my favourite local artist: Dodi Rosadi.

Limited edition promotional - collectable suggested - poster. Wrapped with transparent plastic (that could easily separated or mounted together) to highlight the issue; Artef-act/ux. Bellow is the invitation kit. The card actually made from wasted paper.

You can check Dodi recent works on: Hope you like ‘em.


  1. Anonymous3:42 PM

    gwa ga habis pikir, kenapa musti diplastikin segala. Kenapa ga simpel aja. bikin poster aja, jadi ga mubazir...

  2. Memang budgetnya nambah sedikit. Harapannya potensi collectiblenya juga bisa nambah, soalnya jarang-jarang ada poster kayak gini.
